Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My face itches really bad and is broken out in a rash in my facial hair, what is it and what can I do?

I cannot shave with a blade no matter what I break out. I use an electric but it only gets me completely clean shaven in my goatee area. My neck is the worst. All the research I've done has led me to believe it's barber's rash or pseudofolliculitis barbae and the remedy is to let the beard grow for 30 days. However, whenever I do this the rash and itching get worse.

My face hurts so bad. Basically when anything touches it or if I'm eating I'm in discomfort. Someone please help me!!!My face itches really bad and is broken out in a rash in my facial hair, what is it and what can I do?
My husbands face does this every now and then he just takes rubbing alchohol and cleans it up he even bought the mens noxema its in a black bottle of oxy padsMy face itches really bad and is broken out in a rash in my facial hair, what is it and what can I do?
maybe your facial wash, or somethin new that you're trying? it used to happen to me, it sucks...
  • skin cancer
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